Channel: Alliance of the Founding Peoples of Canada
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The Quebec Government is Paying Employers to Hire Foreigners


I have just found a print copy of the Quebec Bar Association’s Bar Review from April 2010, and there are some articles in here about a project “To Encourage Immigration and Mobility“. This is absolutely a “globalist” initiative.

I think this is the same edition from which I translated the cover story, the Bar’s interview with Jacques Attali, who said the “New World Order” is progressing nicely.

Quebec International

Quebec International

Quebec is being used to push the foundations of a Soviet-style communist non-national, multi-national “community” onto North America, which necessarily eradicates FOUNDING CANADIANS, including FRENCH CANADIANS. But, that’s what communism is; it doesn’t like races or nations, and the way to eliminate both is to merge them all together.

In this initiative, the Quebec government is PAYING employers to HIRE FOREIGNERS. We Canadians no longer have even “equal” access to law jobs on our own soil, let alone the primary right that we are supposed to have, constitutionally.

It’s being sold to law firms as the benefit of having outsiders offer their unique angle on a file or a law-suit. But, wait! This is already available to law firms with international offices. It’s available to smaller firms through networking and outside consultancy. The latter, you have to pay for; but then you bill it to your client.

This program “To Encourage Immigration and Mobility” is just another excuse to destroy what remains of La Nouvelle France (French Canada) in Quebec.

Canadians in other provinces should look for similar programs at their own local Bar, and in other disciplines, and raise hell with our post-1982 de facto governments. Because this is yet another pretext after alleged “low birth rates” to eradicate us off our soil. This is a blatant case of taking away from us fundamental jobs in a field vital to our culture and self-government. We are being deliberately disadvantaged by those we elect, in deference to foreigners.

These are really important jobs, too. They generally imply up-scale salaries, long-term stability, and cultural development at the level of self-government by determining law and policy.

You may have noticed that most of our politicians, all of our judges, and many of our governmental appointees, have law degrees. That means that choice political positions will be going to foreigners integrated into our law system by this kind of anti-national program.

Do you want to be governed by foreigners? Keep it up! Do nothing. Don’t look into it, because we are well on our way to having no seats at all in our own legislatures, and no jobs in our own governments.

I think we haven’t seen scab labor like this since wealthy landowners imported cheap Chinese labor for the British Columbia coal mines. And this is worse; in this case, employers are being subsidized to give away our top jobs to foreigners.

The importation of Chinese to work in B.C. coal mines caused a displacement of founding Canadians in British Columbia, who were forced out of their ancestral lands and homes in search of employment elsewhere.

And we have glaring evidence of what has happened to “British” Columbia thanks to that. The City of Richmond is becoming Chinese. And these Chinese refuse to speak English; refuse to put up English signs on their chunk of soil being extracted from Canada and attached to the Chinese Communist slave-state by re-colonization.

Obviously, policies which discard Canadians in deference to foreigners will re-colonize Canada. What remains to be seen is how far off Canadian soil Canadians will be forced to go by these anti-Canadian policies.

Will Canadians look for jobs even overseas? After all, if French-speaking Arabs are taking our law jobs, maybe French-speaking Canadians will end up in the Maghreb. This will terminate the concept of the nation-state, and the homeland, to the benefit of the world’s super-rich, who want to eliminate all sovereign governments.

There are glitzy posters in the hallways of our law faculties already encouraging our students to leave. Leaving young, they will inter-marry foreign, and our Canadian roots will dwindle to nothing. This is a campaign to destroy our birth-rate, not alleviate it by immigration.

This is theft; theft of our country; of our right to our own jobs on our own soil in the nation built by us and by our ancestors. This is piracy and exile.

Over the years, Quebec and other Provinces have had to deal with the problem of an over-supply of lawyers. This has happened because of mass-graduations from universities. There are not enough decent law jobs to go around. The graduates end up in low-paying legal aid work.

And yet, here they are chiseling the few jobs that do exist, away from us! This is immoral, despicable, and criminal.

Young white Anglo-Saxon and French-Canadians now in law school should be banging their tea-kettles in the streets for this! Why are they paying tuition? Why are they studying? Why are they sacrificing to become professionals, only to see those professional jobs subsidized by their families’ tax-dollars and handed to foreigners?

I’m going to translate the ad. It’s from page 17 of the 17th April 2010 edition. Bold is added to headings, and for emphasis.

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Philippe Samson, lawyer


Last december, the Minister for Immigration and Cultural Communities (MICC), Madam Yolande James, launched the “Project for the Integration into Employment of Persons Trained in Foreign Countries by a Professional Order (IPOP). What exactly is it?

Body copy:

This project, offered by EMPLOI-QUEBEC [JOBS-QUEBEC, it’s a government department] in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Communities (MICC) and participating professional orders, including the Quebec Bar Association, is aimed at persons trained in foreign countries who would like to practise a profession in Quebec that is regulated by a professional order. It provides new measures to faclitate their professional integration and thus allows them to obtain a job proportionate to their qualifications.

Facilitating Social Integration

Lawyers from a number of countries, including those in the “Francophonie”, are expressing a marked and growing interest in Quebec law. For example, in 2007, the Bar organized a colloquium on Quebec law that was filmed and placed online at the web site of the Quebec Bar Association. The colloquium was a huge success : “Foreign candidates are extremely interested in the practise of law in Quebec and particularly in its distinctive bijuralism”, expains Maitre Suzanne Gagné, in charge of articling and equivalencies for the Ecole du Barreau (law school of the Bar) and secretary of the Committee on the Integration of immigrant lawyers of the Quebec Bar. The reality of law and of its own peculiarities in each country is such that many employers hesitate to hire foreign candidates without Quebec experience. What’s more, for various technical reasons, these (immigrant) candidates are rarely considered in the context of competitions to article with the major law firms, because their heterogeneous training is far off the course of traditional studies specifically looked for, and this despite excellent academic results and the fulfillment of their equivalencies.

However, it is undeniable that these people have a great deal to offer and that they can contribute in a meaningful way in a major law firm, a corporation, or in private practise. “Immigrants are distinguished not only by their professional expertise and their diversified academic paths, but in addition they often speak several languages, noted Maître Gagné. Moreover, their interest in settling down is a source of motivation, their skills abound and they are generally ready to make the necessary sacrifices to succeed. All they need is to acquire work experience in law in Quebec in order to learn our work culture and make a place for themselves.”

Taking positive steps to favor diversity is good for both foreign professionals, employers and their team. Indeed, by facilitating integration of foreign lawyers on the job market, the IPOP project offers immigrants the chance to create a professional network for themselves. “It is important to break through the isolation that immigrants face, because, statistically, if they don’t succeed in integrating themselves into the job market in line with their profession in the first two years after their arrival, they will never be able to,” said Maître Gagné.


“This program is a tremendous inducement
to break old habits
and embrace all the richness of our diversity.”

— Maître Pierre Chagnon, Quebec BATONNIER

Minister Yolande James, herself a lawyer, goes further in explaining why Project IPOP is particularly useful in the practise of law: “Having a different experience and view of things, foreign professionals bring added value to the employer. Because, in law, the ability to see a file in different ways and accordingly to approach its questions and its arguments is a considerable advantage.”

Ultimately, the employer who takes advantage of the IPOP project reaps the benefit for the firm and its team not only of cultural and professional enrichment, which broadens horizons, but also from a financial point of view, thanks to the participation of EMPLOI-QUEBEC.”


The BATONNIER of Quebec, Maître Pierre Chagnon, accompanied by Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities Madam Yolande James, and representatives of the professional boards and of the Interprofessional Council of Quebec, at the press conference held on December 15th, 2009 to announce the agreements signed with the professional orders and the IPOP project (integration into employment of persons trained in foreign countries and referred by a professional order).

–>> More on page 19

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A stimulus for economic recovery

In effect, in order to foster the participation of employers, financial measures are being offered via project IPOP. More specifically, the employer will receive a subsidy to cover a part of the employee’s salary up to an amount the equivalent of 50% of gross salary, as if that were minimum wage, for a period of 30 weeks. The employer will also be entitled to a subsidy of $1500 to “accompany” the person hired. In exchange, however, the employer must undertake to offer a full-time permanent job, which is to say a job of a duration longer than the subsidy period, and so offer the possiblity to continue for a much longer term.

By accelerating the employment integration of immigrants, the government expects that the current project will facilitate a better response to the manpower needs of businesses. “With the aging of the population and massive departures for retirement, the importance of maintaining a sufficient replacement workforce to assure the delivery of professional services is a currently at stake,” said Madam James.

This project is thus a part of various strategies proposed in order to respond to work shortages which Quebec will face in a number of the statutorily regulated professions. Beyond simply replacing personnel in existing jobs, the government signals its wish to truly create a new economic space for Quebec without in any way diminishing the quality of services, as Maître Gagné states: “To ensure the security of the public and to maintain the credibility of the profession, foreign professionals enrolled in IPOP must follow the same process of equivalences and must hold a special or limited general practise permit.”

The participation of the Bar Association

For a number of years now, the Quebec Bar Association has maintained a close tie of collaboration with the MICC through its active participation in a number of projects aimed at facilitating mobility and integration of persons trained in foreign countries. The Order estimates that it is important to be socially committed and, by this same fact, to offer avenues of integration in the legal field to persons trained in foreign countries. Moreover, the Bar is one of the first of the professional orders to have signed the mobility agreement with France and has been playing a leadership role in the implementation of governmental orientations.

Each year, between 70 and 80 candidates apply for admission to the Quebec Bar Association’s Committee of Equivalences. Most of these people are required to pass a university program in Quebec law in order to be accepted by the School of the Quebec Bar Association. Furthermore, throughout this training, they may benefit from various services already offered to all students, including the Bar School’s help in preparing a curriculum vitae. The IPOP project thus constitutes an addition to these services in order that new immigrants can more easily integrate into the Quebec legal community.

Finally, the Quebec Bar Association considers it necessary that legal services offered to the public be representative of the cultural canvas of Quebec society. As emphasized by Maître Pierre Chagnon, BATONNIER of Quebec, “This program is a tremendous inducement to break old habits and embrace all the richness of our diversity.”

At the instigation of the Bar Association, a number of professional orders have agreed to join project IPOP. The simplicity of the steps involved, both for workers from the outside and employers, will certainly encourage those admissible to avail themselves (of this opportunity) in the months ahead.

How can one participate?

To be eligible, the person trained in a foreign country must have one of the following statuses in Quebec:

be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee or a protected person. This must also be the candidate’s first work experience in Quebec in his profession. The candidate may be articling in law at the Bar Association school, or be the holder of a special or limited permit.The candidate must also have in his or her possession a “letter of attestation for participation in Project IPOP” issued by the Quebec Bar Association, and his or her professional Order must have an existing tripartite agreement with the MICC and Emploi-Quebec.

The employer may be a small, medium or large business, a municipality or a non-profit organization, and must be able to offer to the future employee a vacancy or a newly created full-time post, which is to say a schedule of 30 to 40 hours a week.

For more information, persons interested are invited to consult the web site of the Quebec Bar Association www.barreau.qc.ca. Employers and workers may apply jointly to for candidacy in the Project and confirm their eligibility, or apply individually at the Local Employment Center (CLE) on their territory (consult the web site emploiquebec.net for the locations of Employment Centers) and sign up as available so that Emploi-Quebec can match workers to interested employers.

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Translator’s notes:  (i) “Emploi Quebec” is a Quebec government department which comprises both a job-finding and job-training component, and a welfare program. (ii) “accompany” means that someone in the firm is designated to follow up with the immigrant employee to ensure their training, etc. (iii) “governmental orientations” — i.e., policy being dictated by government. (iv) “Maître” is the title given to lawyers in Quebec.

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