The Quebec Government is Paying Employers to Hire Foreigners
I have just found a print copy of the Quebec Bar Association’s Bar Review from April 2010, and there are some articles in here about a project “To Encourage Immigration and Mobility“. This is...
View ArticleEstelle Levy’s Baguette: or,Not Entitled to Our Own Nations Any More?
Once in a while is fine; but not all the time. And not in all the institutions. I mean, for starters, that “air-time” (electronic, print and broadcast) (in our non-Jewish nations) for ethnic minorities...
View ArticleNuclear Survival Expert Describes Canada as “Safe Haven” in Book & Video
Joel M. Skousen, author of Strategic Relocation, a full-color analysis of the world’s best places to retreat to “safety” in case of a nuclear attack, has identified Canada as currently the world’s...
View ArticleThe “Patriation” of 1982 was Unlawful: The Charter is Not Valid Law
The “Patriation” of 1982 was unlawful: the Charter is not valid law. Neither are the Part V amending formulae. The iconic image below is a deception. The signature of the document under the hand and...
View ArticleNew Post Categories Established for the Alliance of the Founding Peoples
This web site was first launched in early 2012. It has moved a few times, as web hosts (Visiba, iFastnet, Directnic, and others) and even the domain name registrar (Allcheapweb, a sub of GoDaddy) have...
View ArticleFood For Thought: Pan-Africanism is Good; Pan-Canadianism is Not!
Pan-Africanism (Good for them; Pan-Canadianism: not good for us) According to Wikipedia on Pan-Africanism: As a philosophy, Pan Africanism represents the aggregation of the historical, cultural,...
View ArticleThe Vatican Ignores the anti-Western Design of Soviet Strategy
Last year, I published an exclusive English translation of an FQS article under the translated title: “The Second Vatican Council: A Quiet Revolution in the Church“. Today’s post is an urgent update on...
View Article1946: Louis Saint-Laurent Proclame le Gouvernement Mondial
Louis Saint-Laurent, 1946 AVANT-PROPOS : Lieu et date : Assemblée Générale de l’ONU le 10 janvier 1946 1946 : le futur Premier Ministre du Canada l’Honorable Louis Saint-Laurent déclare que l’ONU est...
View Article1946: Louis Saint-Laurent Announces World Government
Louis Saint-Laurent, 1946 ENGLISH TRANSLATION: FOREWORD: Place and Time: The UN General Assembly, 10 January 1946. 1946: Future Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Louis Saint-Laurent, declares...
View ArticleThe Royal Canadian Legion’s Great War Memorial Hall Sold for an Islamic Center
Foreword: Did our great-grandfathers offer up their lives in World War I to hand Canada over to Islamo-fascism? The Founding Cultures of Canada are dying, while diametrically opposed cultures are...
View ArticleLe Vatican Ignore la Conception anti-Occidentale de la Stratégie Soviétique
L’année dernière, j’ai édité une traduction exclusive en anglais d’un article de la FQS sous le titre : « Le Concile Vatican II : Une révolution tranquille dans l’Église ». L’article d’aujourd’hui est...
View ArticleThe New Treason of the Clerics: Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Foreword: Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a Communist; which means that he advocated Communism for the rest of us. He was a classic spokesman for all things Soviet, including forced genocide of the white...
View ArticlePortrait d’un grand Canadien : (Sir) John George Bourinot
Source: “John George Bourinot,” par George Stewart, dans Les Hommes du Jour, 26ième série. Québec, février 1893. Traduction de P. M. Sauvalle. La petite province de la Nouvelle-Écosse a largement...
View ArticleThe “Régime Militaire”, 1759-64
The “Régime Militaire”, 1759-64 is Chapter IV in The Constitution of Canada, An Introduction to its Development and Law by W.P.M. Kenedy, M.A., Litt.D.; Oxford University Press, 1922 French colonial...
View ArticleHon. Attorney General John A. Macdonald on Avoiding State Rights in the...
Source: Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of the Confederation of the British North American Provinces, 3rd Session, 8th Provincial Parliament of Canada, Legislative Council, Monday, March 13,...
View ArticleL’Hon. procureur général John A. Macdonald sur la Nécessité d’éviter de faire...
Source: Débats parlementaires sur la question de la Confédération des provinces de l’Amérique britannique du Nord : 3e session du Parlement provincial du Canada, Conseil Législatif, lundi le 13 mars...
View ArticleProfessor F. R. Scott of McGill University Explains the British North America...
Foreword: Professor Frank Reginald Scott was a constitutional scholar, a Rhodes Scholar, and a Socialist. Notwithstanding the latter two qualities, the following audio tape of Frank Scott explaining...
View ArticleSir John G. Bourinot Compares the Provincial share of Powers to the powers of...
I. Distribution of Legislative Powers. In the distribution of the legislative powers entrusted to the general parliament and the local legislatures respectively, the constitution makes such an...
View ArticleOne Father Doodled at the Founding of Canada
Happy 72 Resolutions! to my fellow Founding Canadians. On the 10th of October in 1864, 154 years ago, the Delegates at Quebec City assembled to consider the basis on which the Confederation of Canada...
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