Channel: Alliance of the Founding Peoples of Canada
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Nuclear Survival Expert Describes Canada as “Safe Haven” in Book & Video


Joel M. Skousen, author of Strategic Relocation, a full-color analysis of the world’s best places to retreat to “safety” in case of a nuclear attack, has identified Canada as currently the world’s safest location. However, Skousen qualifies that cultural “diversity” and Canada’s unwise immigration policies, are a growing threat to personal safety in Canada.

Strategic Relocation’s Joel M. Skousen, survival expert, recommends Canada as safe haven in case of pre-emptive Sino-Soviet nuclear strike. Criticizes “diversity” as biggest threat to safety in Canada.

Strategic Relocation’s Joel M. Skousen, survival expert, recommends Canada as safe haven in case of pre-emptive Sino-Soviet nuclear strike. Criticizes “diversity” as biggest threat to safety in Canada.

Here’s how Skousen describes Canada in his book (this is a series of extracts, run together):

US and Canada

The North American continent (excluding Mexico) offers arguably the best long-term future security for Americans and Canadians despite the fact that the US and Canada will be the target of a pre-emptive nuclear strike sometime in the future. As we describe in the section on US nuclear war, this will affect the whole country, but not equally. If you take our advice and relocate for security before that really big threat comes, you can survive it and the following social unrest. We get a lot of calls from Americans thinking about relocating outside the USA specifically to avoid this future strike. That seems logical if you only consider the initial aspects of war and not living through the aftermath. Consider the following:

1. Nuclear war is very survivable if you are not living in a target area and if you prepare some form of safe room that shelters you against fallout. Unlike nuclear reactor meltdowns, which have significant quantities of radioactive fuel, fallout from nuclear weapons dissipates within a few weeks depending on factors such as the distance from the blast zone.

2. Social unrest in the aftermath of a nuclear war can also be mitigated by relocating or having a retreat in rural areas with a contingency plan to get there quickly.

Selecting A Safe Country

3. In the long-term aftermath, nations will take sides, or be coerced into joining one side of the conflict or other. If in a nation that has a population that is hostile to America or the West, you could become a hunted person. Americans and foreigners will likely have property and bank accounts confiscated or nationalized as times get worse.

4. There are significant advantages to living in your home country during world turmoil. Few people can blend into a foreign culture and language sufficiently to build a network of resources to sustain them when times get hard and foreigners become unpopular.

5. Canada and the United States have total self-sufficiency in food and water, and the residual technological knowhow to recover rapidly.

6. Most importantly, there is no other country on earth other than America that has so many millions of Conservatives schooled in the values of liberty and constitutionally limited democracy who are capable of banding together to form a resistance to the expected tyranny of the New World Order as it forms in the aftermath of war.

For these and other reasons, we have concentrated the rest of our relocation advice to this area. The remainder of this book provides more detail about the areas presented in the previous chapters as they impact the residents of the US and Canada.

Skousen Maps of Nuclear War Targets in Canada(These maps are 68% of the original size.)

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets Eastern Canada

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets
Eastern Canada

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets South-Central Canada

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets
South-Central Canada

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets South-West Canada

Skousen Map Nuclear War Targets
South-West Canada


Immigration Demographics

North America would also lose much of its wide open spaces if it had to find room for and maintain order for ALL THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD. This is one of the dangers in being a MAGNET FOR FREEDOM AND JOBS. When coupled with a government that is intent upon allowing illegal immigration to flood its border areas, America is on the road to the same kind of social conflict found in Europe.

No nation can sustain rapid, uncontrolled growth, especially when masses of illegal immigrants of a different culture, and still maintain stability. Both Europe and America seem to be suffering under the same agenda of open borders promulgated by their respective governments.

Americans are rightly concerned about the penchant of both major political parties to entice millions of illegal immigrants to America by allowing them numerous job and welfare benefits. Regular offers of amnesty keep drawing them here as each tries to get inside before the next deadline.

Despite the supposed ever-present threat of terror (more provoked than real), and the current flood of illegal immigration, past and current administrations have refused to seal off America’s porous southern border. It is almost as if the federal government keeps delaying and stalling any effective corrective means until mass cultural dilution of America is a “fait accompli.”

There seems to be a perverse and hidden agenda to force multiculuturalism down Americans’ throats, just as in Europe. It is an evil goal that pits one culture against another in a race to get “their share” of government benefits. It also forms part of a dangerous globalist agenda — to justify forming a regional government such as a North American Union and create economic controls such as the euphemistically-named Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA).

Humanity doesn’t deal well with large or rapid changes, or mixing of dissimilar cultures. Such circumstances all too often are so threatening that even normally free, liberty-loving people acquiesce to tyrannical government controls in the quest to sustain order. Unfortunately, these controls are difficult to dismantle after the crisis, especially when government wants those controls kept in place.

The top rating for a peaceful, pleasant people in North America must go to Canada, although it too has a growing problem with unwise immigration policies. The cities are generally cleaner than the US, and most people don’t try to get ahead as fast. This lack of aggressiveness tends to make people more mellow and enjoyable. Canada is probably always going to be a little higher on the moral scale than the US for that reason.

Forced cultural diversity, however, could change much of Canada’s advantage, especially in urban areas like Toronto and Vancouver where immigrants are pouring in. Unlike America, Canada has opened its doors to nations all over the world and thus has more potential problems with excessive diversity. Extreme diversity tends to produce a wide variety of cultural sinkholes or ghettos within a nation, which lead to gang membership and crime. Still, Canada, with the exception of the Quebec separatist extremists, has a more pleasant feel to it in most places.

After the Bombs

It is hard to imagine the world after a nuclear attack, but we are certain it won’t be the end of the world. We think that most Americans will survive the initial blasts. We cannot tell how many waves of nuclear weapons will fall over the US, but we expect a massive first strike followed by secondary strikes in the next few days. Most nuclear weapons will be expended by then and the war will become conventional.

Despite the massive devastation, people outside of the major target cities will not immediately die. However, surviving for the long term amid starvation and without commerce will be much more difficult. After an EMP strike, many components will have to be replaced all along the electrical grid. We expect most of America will be without electricity for over a year, possibly much longer in some areas. America’s infrastructure will be almost completely disabled without electricity. Even after some power plants begin to come back online, there will be huge holes in the electrical grid until new parts can be installed or manufactured. Governments will be under pressure to institute rationing of power for short periods of time in different locations.

During this time there will be little communication and news. Most land-line telephones and cell phones and internet communication will be lost for an indefinite period. Without power there can be no credit card transactions and no bank processing. People will resort to cash (make sure you store small bills for exact change) and even start bartering …

Canadian Nuclear Forces

Canada has a very limited tactical offensive capability. It has no strategic weapons — no missiles and no long range bombers, and therefore no nuclear weapons delivery capability. Its forces have been traditionally linked with the US military in defending the North American Northern sector. The “Dew Line” is still in place along Canada’s far northern boundary. It has 11 minimally manned long range radars for detecting incoming aircraft and missiles, 36 unmanned gap-filler radars, and 4 miinimally manned coastal radar sites (1 on the Pacific and 3 on the Atlantic).

Canada’s main mission for its military has changed significantly during the past 10 years. It is now commissioned to serve a defensive role at home and an international support role to the UN when overseas. It has several well-trained and capable F-18 Hornet squadrons as its primary defensive arm. Most of these units are in Cold Lake on the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. Major deployment bases for defense are further north, presumably to counter incoming aircraft from Russia over the poles.

Crime in Canada

Canada has a lower crime rate compared to the US across the board. But it still has the same problem of crimes being concentrated in large metropolitan areas, especially where immigrant gangs predominate. As a group, native-born Canadians are less prone to violence than most Americans, partly because corrupted elements of society don’t like harsher climates. As personal corruption and foreign immigration increases in Canada, however, its citizens will have no personal arms to deter criminals and protect themselves as Americans do. Ultimately they may be worse off from crime.

Remember as well, that Americans can’t take their personal arms across the borders into either Canada or Mexico, so they are more vulnerable there. Do carry pepper spray or, if you are going camping, you might consider a small plastic flare gun (that boaters use). It isn’t a firearm, but it is very effective against both criminals and the big bears you may meet in the Canadian wilds.

Welfare Spending

State welfare spending is important because it represents how much grip the benefit-corrupted welfare society has on a state legislature. We recommend avoiding states that rank high on welfare expenditures. It is not a sign of compassion but of willingness to corrupt society by taking from the productive class by force. Ultimately welfare states will have to cut benefits or go broke since “needs” always exceed what productive people can be taxed.

Canada is a social welfare state much like Europe. However, as a confederation of provinces, the welfare burden falls upon each province and there is considerable disparity between the ability of each province to provide funding for the federally mandated programs. The Canadian government has numerous avenues for subsidizing welfare and equalizing benefit payments where poorer provinces are deficient but this is constant [sic] source of contention in the country.


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