Channel: Alliance of the Founding Peoples of Canada
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The New Treason of the Clerics: Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Foreword: Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a Communist; which means that he advocated Communism for the rest of us. He was a classic spokesman for all things Soviet, including forced genocide of the white Founding Peoples of Canada and the re-use of our land and country for Soviet purposes. He was anti-national, viewing the nation as “retrograde”. He was a member of the New Democratic Party (NDP), which has always belonged to the Socialist International, whose objective is a socialist world government, which cannot come to be as long as nations and peoples exist and are sovereign. He was a millionaire; a characteristic noted frequently among high-level Communists, who never attempt to live the lifestyle they would impose on others. In this 1962 article, Trudeau pretends to joust with French-Canadian nationalists, urging them against “separatism” in favour of a truly Soviet-style, Zionist-style, “polyethnic” state in Canada. However, multiculturalism, or polyethnic pluralism, or by its right name, Kallenism, is a step toward genocide of all races (except the Jews, who do not participate in this). The crowding together of all cultures is a step towards Lenin’s “amalgamation”: “The purpose of socialism,” wrote V. I. Lenin, “is not only to eliminate the splintering of mankind into petty states and any isolation of nations; is not only the rapprochement of nations, but also their amalgamation.” But in order to create the conditions for this, more than just the liquidation of private ownership and the creation of a socialist state is needed. Lenin pointed out that national and state differences among peoples and countries will last “for a very, very long time even after realization of the dictatorship of the proletariat on a world-wide scale.” — Grigoriĭ Ivanovich Tunkin, writing on “The Legal Nature of International Organizations” in his Theory of International Law, p.374 The key line above is “in order to create the conditions for this [amalgamation]”, “more … is needed”. What “more” is needed? Multiculturalism, Kallenism, is needed: the Zionist plan to eradicate all sovereign races and their nations, except the Jews, who have acquired a protected state in Israel, upon the blood of tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of innocents, in Palestine, in Russia, in China, in Cuba. In short, everywhere that anti-national, anti-family, war-mongering Imperialist Communism and its “multiculturalism” are being forced to replace all natural ties with one class, the class of the “drone”, the slave “worker”, who will have no race, no roots, no nation, no culture except what is dictated to him by his Zionist overlords, who are engineering the end of Western Civilization. To see that Kallenism is the necessary “condition” for eliminating the Western peoples and our nations, a few years ago, the world press trumpeted that Sarkozy, Merkel and others had announced the “failure” of multiculturalism. But, it was never intended to be a “success”. It is intended as the necessary “condition” for the next stage of racial amalgamation of the West. This becomes obvious when Sarkozy — who was then the Jewish President of […]

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